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주) 자영메디칼은 홈페이지를 새로 제작하였습니다

1. 택배 운송료는 100,000원 이상은 자영메디칼에서 무료 발송(선불)하며,  100,000원 미만은 

    사용 병원에서 지불(착불)합니다. 

2. Nusmile 택배 운송료는 다음과 같습니다.

 - Nusmile 낱개 3개이상(100,000원 미만) 주문할 경우도 자영메디칼에서 택배 운송료(선불)를


- Pink 3개주문할때 제외되며,각 대리점은 5개이상 주문할 경우 주)자영메디칼에서 택배 운송료를

   지불 합니다.


미국에서 Porter 회사에 질의한 내용과 Matrx, Porter회사제품(가스 공급.배기호스) 소독 방법건


미국 본사는 2020년 4월 공지 사항에 미국에서  Portetor 회사에 질의한 내용과 Porter, Matrx제품
가스 공급. 배기호스에 대한 소독 방법을 공지하였습니다.
자영메디칼은 N2O장비 판매 할때 가스공급호스, 주름관(Corregated Tube) 소독 방법에 대하여
설명해 드리고 있습니다.
과거에 판매한 병원에 일부 소독 범위 설명이 오류가 있었습니다.
코 마스크와 부착된 Matrx 플라스틱도 고압증기멸균으로 소독하여 사용합니다.
단) Matrx 흰색 코 마스크와 흰색 주름관은 1회용으로 사용합니다.

아래는 미국본사에서 공지한 내용입니다.

Parker Hannifin Corporation
Porter Instrument
245 Township Line Road
Hatfield, PA 19440
April 28, 2020
Guidance For Infection Control and Sterilization of Porter and Matrx
Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen System Components
The dental and medical industries are on heightened alert regarding infection control standards. Please review the below frequently asked questions and recommendations for care of your Porter or Matrx nitrous oxide and oxygen systems and respective components. Contact our customer service team (information at bottom) for any additional questions that we can assist you with.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I need to be concerned with cross contamination of my flowmeter and breathing bag?
Your patients are not in contact with the flowmeter or the breathing bag. Their exhalation cannot travel “upstream” due to the one-way non-rebreathing valve that is a part of the flowmeter bag tee combined with scavenging flow away from the patient. Patient exhalation cannot go back into the breathing bag and cannot go back to the flowmeter. The office should confirm the function of the one-way non-rebreathing valve on a periodic basis (see User Manual or call customer service).
- It is always best practice to turn on oxygen flow and scavenging flow (confirm that you have adequate vacuum flow for scavenging) prior to placing the mask on the patient.
How can I protect my flowmeter and accessories from cross contamination?
Consider use of protective barriers / covers where possible – during use and when not in use. Be aware of what the team is “touching” in the operatory – and then touching the patient and vice versa. Ensure all items are covered and / or disinfected accordingly.
The ADA Return to Work Toolkit guidelines states that we should use disposable nasal hoods (see below highlighted) – does this mean we can’t use autoclavable nasal hoods?
The interpretation of the guidance: If using single use nasal hoods – dispose of after each use (do not re-use or send home with patient). When using nasal hoods and tubing that can be sterilized – sterilize after each use. You can continue to use your autoclavable nasal hoods.
ADA Return to Work Toolkit
Can I sterilize my breathing circuit tubing?
Please review the specific breathing circuit User Manual for cleaning and sterilization instructions and a list of components that can and cannot be sterilized (links below). If you are unsure what breathing circuit you have – take pictures and send an email to porternitrous@parker.com
How often should I sterilize my breathing circuit components?
With concerns of cross infection of Covid-19 along with recent ADA “Return To Work” recommendations – all components that can be sterilized should be sterilized after each patient use.
We use nitrous often and will be sterilizing after each patient. How should we manage this?
You will need to consider how often you are using nitrous – and how long your sterilization process will take. As a result, you may need to obtain additional breathing circuits so that you have circuits ready for use while others are in the sterilization process. You may also wish to consider using a newer style disposable breathing circuit such as Silhouette (information / link below).
When using the Porter Autoclavable Double Mask – we normally wipe down the outer hood and sterilize the inner liners. Do we need to do anything different?
The User Manual instructions have always called for sterilization of both the outer hood and inner liners. All components that can be sterilized should be sterilized after each use.
We typically allow patients to take their disposable nasal hood home with them and then allow them to bring it back for use during return visits. Should we still do this?
It would not be advised to continue this activity. Single use nasal hoods are intended to be single use – and disposed of. If you want to give them the nasal hood that is fine – but they should not be re-used – even with the same patient.
What type of disinfectants and wipes can we use?
The materials of the Porter / Matrx breathing circuits are very durable. Most disinfectant wipes that are suitable for hard surface disinfection in the patient care environment will suffice. That said:
- Any part / product that will be in contact with skin after disinfection – ensure that there is no disinfectant residue on that item. Disinfectants may cause skin irritation or other reaction with the patient.
- If using disinfectants and the steam sterilizing – ensure that the part was properly washed and rinsed. Putting a part that has disinfectant residue in an autoclave may result in the disinfectant crystalizing – and result in a skin irritation / reaction when in use with a patient.
o Soap and water wash and rinse is advised for any part prior to the sterilization process.
- If using a disinfectant for the first time – test it on a small portion of the part to ensure no discoloring occurs.
- Avoid excess liquid when using disinfectant wipes.
- Never spray disinfectant on / inside any of the products.
Is there a different option that has less parts to sterilize for us to consider versus using our current breathing circuit and having to sterilize after each use?
Yes – you may wish to consider the patented Silhouette Low Profile Nasal Mask system: www.PorterInstrument.com/Silhouette This is a newer style nasal mask and breathing circuit and in addition to being low profile includes other new features: 4 size options, easy to work around, provides the patient with a full range of motion (mask stays in place), and an improved seal around the nose for effective scavenging. From an infection control standpoint, the masks are connected to 3 feet of single use tubing and allow for a fast room turn over, reduced staff time for cleaning and sterilization as well as minimizing space needed in your sterilizer. The mask and tubing are single patient use.
Contact Porter or your dental dealer for more information on how you can easily retrofit your existing flowmeter.
Is there a location that I can find all of the User Manuals for our Porter and Matrx Products (Flowmeter, breathing circuit, nasal hoods, etc)?
Yes – you can visit our website (link below) Resources section and click on the Manuals tab for a complete listing: http://www.porterinstrument.com/resources-dental
Here is a list of commonly requested PDF’s – (click on link):
Porter Breathing Circuit User Manual – disinfection and sterilization instructions found on page 8:
Matrx Breathing Circuit User Manual – disinfection and sterilization instructions found on page 6:
Silhouette Breathing Circuit User Manual – disinfection and sterilization instructions found on page 7:
What are the cleaning and sterilization instructions?
These should be reviewed per each specific product User Manual. The general instruction below advises a soap and water wash / rinse (no chemicals) followed by steam sterilization at the indicated times and temperatures below:
위 참조
What parts and components can I sterilize?
Porter Breathing Circuit: Nasal Masks – outer hood and inner liners (only grey silicone rubber inner liners can be sterilized – not single use liners which are white or green), grey coaxial tubing, plastic connectors, and grey breathing bag. The corrugated mixed gas tubing cannot be sterilized but can be soap and water wash and rinse (patient is not in contact with this hose).
- You may wish to put a sheath around the corrugated hose as a protective barrier.
Matrx Breathing Circuit: The entire breathing circuit can be sterilized. Only sterilize the blue silicone rubber nasal hoods. The Dynomite (white) nasal hoods are single use disposable.
Silhouette: Connection Kit Tubing (white tubing) and individual Sizer Masks. Individual Silhouette masks and connected 3ft. tubing (clear) are single use only. Connection Kit tubing can be cut to a desired length to make sterilization processing easier.
Is there a need for some type of filter on my nitrous system?
Filters are commonly used on anesthesia systems and other devices where the patient exhalation may be recirculated back to the device. Porter and Matrx flowmeters and breathing circuits do not function this way and do not allow for the patient exhalation to recirculate back to the device. All of the flow paths are designed to be one-way directional flow.
Contact Information:
Porter Instrument
245 Township Line Rd
Hatfield, PA 19440
Porter Customer Service Phone: 215-723-4000
Porter Customer Service Email: PorterNitrous@parker.com

페이지 정보

자영메디칼 작성일22-02-01 14:44 조회8,608회 댓글0건


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

주) 자영메디칼은 홈페이지를 새로 제작하였습니다

1. 택배 운송료는 100,000원 이상은 자영메디칼에서 무료 발송(선불)하며,  100,000원 미만은 

    사용 병원에서 지불(착불)합니다. 

2. Nusmile 택배 운송료는 다음과 같습니다.

 - Nusmile 낱개 3개이상(100,000원 미만) 주문할 경우도 자영메디칼에서 택배 운송료(선불)를


- Pink 3개주문할때 제외되며,각 대리점은 5개이상 주문할 경우 주)자영메디칼에서 택배 운송료를

   지불 합니다.

사이트 정보

  • 회사명 자영메디칼 / 대표 이재순
  • 주소 경기 안양시 동안구 비산동 1108 금강벤처텔 1009호
  • 사업자 등록번호 138-81-93706
  • 전화 031-384-4386 / 팩스 031-384-4380
  • 통신판매업신고번호 제2017-안양동안-0868
  • 개인정보관리책임자 이재순


